June 7, 2012 June Caption Contest! Win $25!
Note: This post will stick to the top for a while. Scroll down for newer posts.
Hello dear readers and commenters and lurkers and loyal Hasidim! It’s that time of the month again, the time when you have the very rare and wonderful opportunity to put a caption on an as-of-yet uncaptioned cartoon… and win a very valuable prize in the process! Yes, the winning caption, chosen by the same mysterious process as before, will win $25 REAL dollars again!
Please vote (click ‘like’) on the comment containing the caption you like most. We may or may not take your vote into account: that is part of the mystery. Exciting! Here, the cartoon… but first, let me thank all the entrants in last month’s caption contest. Thank you! You make this blog what it is.
Yes, yes, the cartoon:
Posted at 02:41h, 08 JuneNow that I know about everything that’s out there- the art, the food, the culture- I feel so trapped in my own life. Sometimes…sometimes I wish I never stepped foot on Avenue J.
Posted at 07:07h, 08 JuneSo, I asked my husband, “if I become a man, will you still love me?”
Posted at 08:14h, 08 JuneChassidish OCD
“So did you really leave the door open a crack?”
Posted at 08:34h, 08 June“My husband wants to leave the lights on, take off my nightgown, and touch my breasts. I worry it will shat for shedicam.”
Frimet Goldberger
Posted at 08:36h, 08 JuneOh, wait, I forgot to sign in before submitting the above comment. I can use the $25.
Posted at 08:46h, 08 JuneI feel soo horny right now!! Just shaved……..my u know what! Some call it bi hoor. You can see It now as Im lying down. Wanna join?
Posted at 08:56h, 08 Juneאן ארנטליכער גוי אבער וואס פארשטייט ער באמת
Posted at 08:58h, 08 Junethank you for the “babkeh”
Posted at 09:01h, 08 JuneI was always taught not to “sit” next to men!
Posted at 10:37h, 08 June“Sometime I can’t help thinking… maybe things really aren’t baruch hashem?”
Yoelish Steinberg
Posted at 10:43h, 08 June“So those king-sized beds are for group therapy?”
Posted at 10:49h, 08 June“Now that my head has touched your elbow, how long before we have sex?”
Posted at 10:56h, 08 June“Other than that, we are wonderful.”
Posted at 11:23h, 08 JuneWhy does he have me on the couch?!?! They were right…..all psychotherapists are perverts.
Posted at 13:26h, 08 JuneIt’s been almost three years since we had our last child, and we only have 6. Meanwhile, my friend who was the first out of our age to marry is already at 10! I feel left out of society 🙁
Posted at 13:54h, 08 June“I just always have that fear that my hair might be showing through my Burberry shpitzel and people will find out that I have hair – mainly my husband.”
Samuel Katz
Posted at 13:54h, 08 June“So Dr. Freud, If I said Perek Shira and Chalom Chulomti can you still interpret my dreams?”
“I’m pretty sure I don’t have Penis Envy, I fargin everyone. Wait, how do you say fargin in English?”
“I think my subconscious is a goy, is yours a yid?”
“I know you have degree from Harvard Medical, but do you have a Daas Torah?”
“Should I prepare neigal vasser?”
Posted at 14:27h, 08 JuneHe said I should lie to the therapist.
NewAge H
Posted at 14:48h, 08 June“My husband went meshuganah, he asked me to put it in my mouth. I think he needs to be institutionalized”
Posted at 16:02h, 08 June“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just don’t feel oppressed.”
Posted at 16:07h, 08 June“So anyway, I just came in to say that we love our husbands and we rock the sack (magna cum laude, baby!) and we really love to shave our heads!”
Posted at 16:34h, 08 Junemr. freud: we tend to blame our “shvigers” not our mothers
Posted at 19:34h, 08 June“Uh, are you a psychologist or a psychiatrist? What’s the difference anyway?”
“So can you know what I’m thinking now?”
“Before we start, you do accept food-stamps, right?”
“This position has become boreding after 10 years, but my husband insists that this is the only one halachacally OK.”
Posted at 23:23h, 08 June“there are some things a woman knows intuitively….he curls his peyos more, and in front of the mirror for example…”
Posted at 22:11h, 09 Juneso I really don’t know if changing to a “aroopgebindene-sheitel” will make me happy…?!
Posted at 00:59h, 10 June“…and if that wasn’t enough, now my daughter’s making cartoons about us too! And she puts them on the internet! Why is she doing this to me?”
J. (the other one)
Posted at 15:43h, 10 June“So what do you think these dreams about keegel are telling me?”
Pini Friedman
Posted at 21:35h, 10 June“It
Posted at 21:55h, 10 JuneI fear i”m having these crazy thoughts like my OTD sister had when she “went crazy”
Posted at 23:26h, 10 JuneIs it really true what the goishe car service driver said? I’m not the only Chasiddishe who sees a Psychiatrist?
Posted at 23:27h, 10 JuneI don’t know what has gotten into my husband. Lately he insists on using a filter.
Posted at 04:52h, 11 JuneIs that ‘id’ with a yud?
Posted at 06:02h, 11 JuneWhy did you let the artist in, I prefer doing what we normally do.
Deb Tambor
Posted at 10:23h, 11 June“Can I tell you a secret?” The only reason I still see you is because I love to talk to guys. You are the only male other than my husband I’m allowed to talk to. Please don’t tell anyone.
Deb Tambor
Posted at 10:30h, 11 June“Why would you say he sexually abuses me? He’s just trying to be nice to me!” He lets me take a nap during mu lunch break because I work hard.
Yoelish Steinberg
Posted at 10:31h, 11 June“And the very next day Mindi strolls out with her Yellow canopied Bugaboo, rendering my sand canopy worthless!”
Posted at 11:19h, 11 JuneEreb Pes complex? What kehileh is that?
Electric complex?
Posted at 16:11h, 11 JuneIf you don’t want me to look at you why not just put up a mechitza?
Posted at 16:44h, 11 June“Didn’t have much of a career really, but this, THIS is an (unwavering) ‘position’ I’ve frequently held since I got married.”
Posted at 19:34h, 11 JuneHerr Doktor, when was the last time you cleaned this couch?!
Posted at 02:04h, 12 JuneDuktur Fraynd, any relation to the Fraynd family on Keap Street?
Posted at 06:02h, 12 JuneHe really doesn’t understand anything about us, what a waste of money.
Posted at 07:03h, 12 JuneWait, let me get this straight. You took off your panties, handed them to the rabbi and then he took out a magnifying glass?
Posted at 16:02h, 12 JuneSurale’s potato kigel is always better than my potato kigel. I’ll never amount to anything!
Posted at 16:04h, 12 JuneMy son is a tchatchke, but my daughter nebech is a shiksa.
odom hasheni
Posted at 22:54h, 12 JuneDoktor will it hurt?
Moishe Yoina
Posted at 03:48h, 13 JuneI’m telling you Mr. Fertility Counselor, launching a babysitting service would be great for business!
Moishe Yoina
Posted at 04:34h, 13 JuneFinally, a goyishe therapist – him at least I can masser if he makes me suck his c**k.
Posted at 00:54h, 17 Juneso the good news and the bad news is I’m pregnant again.
Posted at 20:20h, 17 JuneI have been spotting for 3 months straight I can’t take it anymore..!
Posted at 22:59h, 19 JuneFritlech or wafer cake, that is the question.
Talk about existential angst!
Posted at 05:06h, 21 JuneFor a moment there I though of going over to my neighbour for that kugel recipe, then I remembered that have internet at home.
How can I ever forgive myself?
Posted at 12:23h, 21 June(thinks) Oy gevald… maybe my sister was right and my tichel is too `rashig` (attractive), and maybe i should not have worn this tight t-shirt…i`m afraid the doctor is into me now…
Posted at 12:26h, 21 JuneI 4got to sign in 4 the above comment, but i`ve wanted to support ur amazing work for a long time (but haven`t gotten any $) so in case i win, plz take the 25$ 4 ur blog expenses…
June Caption Contest Winner! - Oy Vey Cartoons >> Oy Vey Cartoons
Posted at 22:56h, 24 June[…] The June Caption Contest got some incredibly interesting, insightful and funny submissions. The contest cartoon was of a Chasidic woman lying on the Freudian therapy bed and a very unreligious looking, goateed doctor listening to her lamant. I always enjoy drawing the contest and wondering where the readers will take it. All over the place, is the answer. You guys rock! Thank you for all your contributions. It was so fun! Ideally, every one who contributed should win $25, but ideally everyone should also contribute $25 for the blog site maintenance, so we’re kind of even. […]
June Caption Contest Winner! - Oy Vey Cartoons >> Oy Vey Cartoons
Posted at 22:56h, 24 June[…] The June Caption Contest got some incredibly interesting, insightful and funny submissions. The contest cartoon was of a Chasidic woman lying on the Freudian therapy bed and a very unreligious looking, goateed doctor listening to her lamant. I always enjoy drawing the contest and wondering where the readers will take it. All over the place, is the answer. You guys rock! Thank you for all your contributions. It was so fun! Ideally, every one who contributed should win $25, but ideally everyone should also contribute $25 for the blog site maintenance, so we’re kind of even. […]
June Caption Contest Winner! - Oy Vey Cartoons >> Oy Vey Cartoons
Posted at 22:56h, 24 June[…] The June Caption Contest got some incredibly interesting, insightful and funny submissions. The contest cartoon was of a Chasidic woman lying on the Freudian therapy bed and a very unreligious looking, goateed doctor listening to her lamant. I always enjoy drawing the contest and wondering where the readers will take it. All over the place, is the answer. You guys rock! Thank you for all your contributions. It was so fun! Ideally, every one who contributed should win $25, but ideally everyone should also contribute $25 for the blog site maintenance, so we’re kind of even. […]
June Caption Contest Winner! - Oy Vey Cartoons >> Oy Vey Cartoons
Posted at 22:56h, 24 June[…] The June Caption Contest got some incredibly interesting, insightful and funny submissions. The contest cartoon was of a Chasidic woman lying on the Freudian therapy bed and a very unreligious looking, goateed doctor listening to her lamant. I always enjoy drawing the contest and wondering where the readers will take it. All over the place, is the answer. You guys rock! Thank you for all your contributions. It was so fun! Ideally, every one who contributed should win $25, but ideally everyone should also contribute $25 for the blog site maintenance, so we’re kind of even. […]