June 17, 2012 On Father’s Day
Happy Father’s day to all you saintly fathers out there who are earthly and heavenly and devoted and wonderful all at the same time. Hope you spend the day cherishing the kids, spoiling yourself, appreciating your hard work and grieving about your stretch marks. Seriously, if you did or didn’t know it’s Father’s Day, if you do or don’t have a father yourself, if you consider father’s day a day for children or dads, if you have a choice in the number of children you have or not, if you can or can’t foot the fatherhood bill, blame the bad on all Catholic Fathers and give yourself a pat on the back.
And a happy Famother’s day to all single moms. And heartfelt words to those fathers who cannot raise their children with the choices they believe in.
Posted at 18:12h, 18 JuneThat last phrase hurts. 🙁
Posted at 19:58h, 18 JuneNot intended. 🙁 Care to expound?
Posted at 05:38h, 19 June“And heartfelt words to those fathers who cannot raise their children with the choices they believe in.”
It is painful to raise children and not be able to speak fully about one’s beliefs. Beliefs developed over a lifetime of experience and observation. And since they are inculcated with subtlety (outside the gemura), they sometimes mistake hints …
I don’t have to tell you that the bases of yiddishkeit in the last 60 years seem quite different than in the last 2,000 …
Posted at 05:39h, 19 JuneTypo – not inculcated with subtlety …
Posted at 20:12h, 22 JuneLeapa u mean to say Yiddishkeit among Chareidim