Why I defend the Hasidic community

  • S M
    Posted at 12:30h, 02 February Reply

    As a teenage girl leaving the Hasidic community (Chabad-Lubavitch), I completely agree with you.
    Flaws in a system only bother you when they come from a value system that you believe in.
    The only difference for me is that I did originally believe in the Hasidic system, only to become disillusioned with it. My original expectations are what led me to want to leave, when I realized that it was not the utopia I had believed it to be.
    Thank you for your enlightening posts.

  • chaim weiss
    Posted at 00:55h, 08 April Reply

    I would suggest that the reason you are so busy criticizing the secular world, is because you’re telling yourself all the time that the reason you left the chasidic community is because you couldn’t stand the conformism and the herd mentality and all the other fancy words, but in order for that to justify your move you have to make sure that your new world isn’t suffering from the same issues,
    which leads me to ask: if that was really the reason why you left, than why do you have to make sure that it really is so why cant you just say: I left because I thought that in the secular world there is freedom but now that I see its not the utopia that I thought it is I still wanna stay because its to hard to go back”?
    which leads to me to say that that wasn’t the real reason you went away, you just went away for the same reason people were leaving through out the years: its simply easier to be a free bird, and therefore you are very uncomfortable to see that the secular world isn’t free at all because being that it was only a fake reason you feel like the reason has to be valid all the time.

  • Aharon Hallevi
    Posted at 05:45h, 28 February Reply

    Did you leave Orthodox Judaism completely, or only the Hasidic-Hareidi version of it?

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