December 31, 2020 #3 of podcast: Lockdowns as Religion
In the newest episode of The Very Not Normal Podcast, I compare Hasidism with the current lockdown situation and argue they have something in common: a religiousness. You can listen by following this link.
- #PODCAST: Learn more about my experience in the Hasidic community in my pilot podcast episode. Also a full podcast episode on TLST podcast where I talk about growing up Hasidic: The Longest Shortest Time.
- #ARTICLE: Must read mentioned in this episode: The Prognosis by David Cayley in Literary Review Canada.
- #BLOG: I also talk about David Cayley’s writing on his blog on Ivan Illich & quote from him on religion and the lockdown.
- #ARTICLES: For the philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s translated work and commentary see everything by Simon Elmer like this and this
PS: upon request, I am working on removing the musical background from the podcast for easier listening. Please stick around for future podcasts.