February 3, 2021 #8 of podcast: Tech-dystopian Future
The Very Not Normal Podcast; Episode #8: The Coming Tech-dystopia
I see in my crystal ball a future of faces buried in screens, everything and always tech mediated. Tech-capitalism is now the most important shaper of the future, and it’ll be a Brave New World.
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- #IMAGE: Cover image from the illustrations of the brilliant Steve Cutts
- #HASIDIC: Measles outbreak in the Hasidic community in 2019 – my posts here and here and here.
- #HASIDIC: Frimet Goldberger suggesting Hasidim embrace zoom school
- #ARTICLE: The effect of billionaires’ foundations (here particularly Bill Gates’) on shaping our media.
- #ARTICLE: The philosophies of Anthony Fauci from this article in Aier (which links the original “manifesto“)
- #BOOK: I used the quotes of Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World” from this excellent article.
- #ARTICLE: Read Naomi Klein’s Pandemic Shock Doctrine on how Google’s Eric Schmidt, NY Governor Andrew Coumo and Bill Gates are issuing in a new tech vision of education during the Covid lockdowns
- #VIDEO: On Elon Musk’s hyperloop: here is a point by point breakdown of the problems with this utopian dream
- #STUDY: On video games as research: A 2013 study that used a video game to infer all sorts of ideas about human behavior during pandemics.
- #STUDY: The plans to fix climate change by releasing gas balloons.
- #ARTICLE: On how the Neil Ferguson’s pandemic modeling is like a “SimCity without the graphics”,
Posted at 07:51h, 09 FebruaryExcellent podcast. You have vividly expressed everything I have been thinking through this lockdown.