February 10, 2021 #9 of podcast: The Hasidic Economy vs The Attention Economy
The Very Not Normal Podcast; Episode #9: Your Attention is their Profit
We now regularly call our economy the “attention economy”. But what does this mean? And why are we an attention economy? What makes attention so valuable? And what happens when the most effective marketing teams and psychological minds set out to capture our attention?
Send a voice message @ https://anchor.fm/frieda-vizel/message
- #IMAGE: Cover image by Florian COURTHIEU on Unsplash
- #LINK: George Foreman and the Grill 🙂
- #HASIDIC: The Jewish business directory I mentioned is available online. There is even an app! Are you interested in learning more about the Hasidic community? I suggest reading the phone book. Really.
- #HASIDIC: Other podcast where I talked about vanishing communities and contrasted it with the Hasidic community.
- #HASIDIC: If you are interested in learning more about the Hasidic economy (sorry I didn’t come through!) here is a post I wrote on the question “Is the Hasidic Community Poor?” Also, this piece in Tablet Magazine touches on it as well.
- #HASIDIC: Kosher phone post here. And here are some more posts on Hasidic tech.
- #ARTICLE: The article in the New York Times about my tours.
- #WIKI: Overchoice – the psychological concept of choice paralysis
- #WIKI: Decision fatigue – the psychological concept of fatigue after making too many choices, thus deteriorating our ability to select well.
- #WIKI: Information overload – (did not mention this in the podcast but also in the family of psychological issues resulting from too many options.
- #VIDEO: On our selective attention – I mentioned the psychological video test. Apparently it is called the “basketball gorilla” test.
- #LINK: Stats on Amazon
- #BOOK: Age of Propaganda, the everyday use and abuse of persuasion
- #BOOK: Age of Surveillance Capitalism: the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power by Shoshana Zuboff
- #BOOK: Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping us Hooked by Adam Alter (read this years ago and it made a huge impression on me. Highly recommend)
- #BOOK: Attention Merchants by Tim Wu. (Had some issues with this book but it gives a good overview of the introduction of attention as a monetizeable commodity.)
#28 of Podcast - Frieda Vizel
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