March 3, 2021 #12 of Podcast: Where Are Their Feelings
The Very Not Normal Podcast; Episode #12: Where Are Their Feelings
A Hasidic family is kicked off a plane because the very young kids weren’t properly masked. I talk about what this saga means to me, how I understand empathy and my fear that petty tyrants are exercising power unchecked.
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- #IMAGE: Photo by Ray Dauphinais on Unsplash
- #LINK: Link to the video of the saga, and here’s the New York Times coverage of it.
- #STUDY: Study in Journal of On Experimental Moral Psychology on the asymmetry of tolerance in Covid19.
- #BOOK: The Body Keeps the Score – Seminal work on the psychology of trauma
- #ARTICLE: A bit on my experience of being forced to shave my head.
- #VIDEO: Extra video on the importance for babies to see faces:
Posted at 00:29h, 04 MarchThanks! from a Hasidic friend