My video with Pearl, Part 2

My video with Pearl, Part 2

Much to my surprise, my video visiting Pearl’s home got more than 130,000 views. It also set off a domino effect on my channel that, to my delight, led to it to grow from 700 subscribers to 4,700 subscribers. Most of the commentors were incredibly generous, which isn’t a small thing for Youtube commentors. A lot of people expressed interest in hearing more of Pearl’s views, and as promised, I’m sharing it here in Part 2 of this series.

There is so much I would ask Pearl if I were to do an interview with her directly. This was just part of a walk-through through her house and the conversations that happened naturally when we looked at the religious books or at a picture of a Rebbe. I’d love to hear her full position on the role of men and women in the community, because as I told her a few times in our conversation, I don’t think she’s an ordinary Hasidic woman. She has very robust and strongly-held views on everything, including, I am sure, on how you make a marriage work for fifty years. But this little glimpse into a different perspective leaves us with a lot to think about, and, I’m sure, many opinions. Feel free to leave good-faith (non-troll!) comments here or on my channel.

I have filmed other things and I look forward to editing and sharing more.


On women shaving all their hair

What it is like to grow up in Kiryas Joel

Hasidic women’s swimwear

The role of Hasidic women

  • Liz Samuels
    Posted at 11:26h, 03 August Reply

    Hi Frieda, Just wanted to say thank you so much for your fascinating videos. I particularly enjoy your conversations with the inspirational Pearl. What an amazing woman!
    I really do respect you for your ability to be so polite and non-judgemental when interviewing people who’s views you don’t share. It’s a very rare skill these days!!!
    We live in Johannesburg and my husband keeps saying he’d love for us to visit Williamsburg, ( I think he’s hankering after a meal at Gottlieb’s!) so, in the reasonably likely event that we can get to New York at some point in the near future, could you give me some idea how you structure your tours. We are frum, so we would be interested in a tour which relates to the historical context of Williamsburg rather than the ones you may do for people who are not religious.
    It’s never easy communicating with someone you’ve never met, but if I may say so, you do seem to be a lovely person!
    Kol HaKavod and keep up the great work, Frieda.
    With very best wishes,
    Liz Samuels

    • Frieda Vizel
      Posted at 16:04h, 03 August Reply

      Hi Liz, thanks for writing. Mostly the tour is focused on this unique neighborhood and its story, but we definitely cover and explain things that a frum Jew will probably feel talked down at. My tours are very similar to my youtube channel in that they both try to cover specifically this unique community but I always make sure to explain the foundational material for beginners.

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