My Interview with Sara Braun, who joined the Hasidic community

My Interview with Sara Braun, who joined the Hasidic community

This is an interview I did for my youtube channel with a very special woman: Sara Braun, who joined the Hasidic community after being raised in a secular Jewish black family in Holland. Sara is a delightful person, an independent thinker and a passionate human, who followed her heart on a very unique path. Her story of being embraced by the Satmar Hasidic community blew my mind.

If you’d like to listen to this interview instead of watching it, I made it available as a podcast episode here:

And most importantly, you can find Sara’s story in ebook format on Amazon here:

Leave a comment with your thoughts, and thanks as always for watching. 🙂

  • Catalina Galán
    Posted at 01:19h, 12 April Reply

    Watching this interview was delightful. Sarah shared insightful information about a community which I’m quite curious about.
    I was glad to hear she was welcomed & embraced. She’s a lovely lady with an infectious laugh & an overall kindness in her
    demeanor. I’m not Jewish, but have a genuine curiosity/fascination as to the many ways in which Jews in general are portrayed.
    Do they have a real sense of community? How do they really feel about outsiders? I’d love to visit, learn & explore, but have been
    told plenty of times “it’s best to keep your distance & stay away” The interview was fabulous. Congratulations to both ladies &
    I hope this is the beginning of a friendship between both of you.

  • Donna Carlin
    Posted at 11:55h, 12 April Reply

    Catalina: there are many, many types of Jews. Some of us are secular and there are many varying degrees of observance to Jewish laws and practice. We absolutely, even those of us who are secular have a deep sense of community, if we want to engage with our Judaism.

  • fran
    Posted at 02:32h, 16 April Reply

    Is she a black woman? Does she have evidence of her life, pictures of her mom and dad. I don’t think she is being honest about her heritage, I am worried that she is fraudulent and capitalizing off of people’s ignorance regarding race, racism and what we can and can’t speak about. There is no way she is a white european, she seems afro-european. I am concerned about the level of truth and appropriation.

  • Mindy
    Posted at 20:31h, 19 April Reply

    I’m confused, don’t you clearly see her in the picture?

  • ????????‍♀️
    Posted at 22:42h, 02 August Reply

    Everyone would be wise to watch “Are Jews White?” on the YouTube channel “Unpacked”.

  • Kimberley
    Posted at 19:18h, 11 August Reply

    “FRAN” are you actually serious or are you just point blank ignorant? (Speaking about ignorance) just because she “looks” a certain way, it means that she is not telling the truth???
    You should educate your self a little better.

  • jesti sanders
    Posted at 05:51h, 19 April Reply

    Fran, there is no appropriation. She probably has some Jewish blood running through her veins, but you are partially correct. She is not telling the whole truth.Most people from The Antilles or from Surinam have Jewish ancestry. Nothing surprising about that. However, her story is definitely not true. She can definitely be partialy European as is very common for people of former colonies. Lots of people in The Netherlands know her and know her story is full of holes…

  • Sue
    Posted at 11:49h, 29 September Reply

    I really don’t understand some of the posts in these comments. She is a Black woman and has used the word “Black” to describe herself. Like many people from the Caribbean who’s ancestors were subjected to slavery, she also has European bloodlines. She has clearly stated that her great-grandfather was a full European Jewish woman. Since Jewish heritage is based on matrilineal lines, and her grandmother and mother were also Jewish that would also make her Jewish regardless of the colour of her skin. I have met Jewish people of various races. I am not Jewish but was inspired by her story and the positive message behind it.

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