How do I create material for this blog, you ask?
Well, mostly I add content when I feel inspired or excited to draw and write. Those moments of creativity are one of the happiest I experience. When I come up with something that I envision will be funny (to me, anyway) I can’t wait to drool over my Bamboo drawing Tablet and pencil the night away.
I feel the need to disclose — I don’t *really* draw. I don’t know enough about the mechanics of drawing to be able to accurately create dimensions of people in action, of places, of absurd scenes. I always look at actual pictures and follow those positions or features, with some added exaggerations. For example, when I recently drew a shirt for my marathon of a guy running, I looked at a sneaker advertisement to get a sense of how a runner actually looks in motion. I pretty much follow those outlines, but wildly exaggerate some parts and shrink others. What I aim to do is not create an original drawing – that’s hopeless because I have no training in drawing and no natural instinct for filling an empty sheet. I aim to present a sharp, fresh and funny punchline in a very light way. I hope you can appreciate that my work is still original and out of the box. Whenever an idea is not mine, I try to attribute it and give credit to the friend who inspired it.
How do I sustain this site? I get thousands and thousands of dollars from rich donors in Kiryas Joel who are just tired of sponsoring new schools. Ha, maybe in one of my cartoons I do. NOT how it is in actuality. The donation button is just for decoration. No one actually clicks that. Maybe I should cartoonize it and it’ll suck you in better. I am able to store my data here because of a very generous and wonderful friend who made it possible even before I wanted it. It means a lot to me to have a place to present my artistic content. What can I say; it’s the creative person’s instinct to want to share what they delight in. Having this site encourages me to develop ideas as they come to me. Thank you so very much, Anonymous supporter.
And thank you all for visiting my page. I hope you laughed. If not with me, then at least at me. The second is the best kind. So they say.
The Last Laugher,
[…] HOW? […]
Wicked copy. Love it!