My top picks of Hasidic pastries

My top picks of Hasidic pastries

Today I’m sharing a new video exploration of some of the best pastries you can buy in Hasidic Williamsburg. Most of the bakeries make their pastries on the premises. It’s fresh, it’s different everywhere, it’s really good. There is a lot of innovation with the foods – new trends pop up every day, but this is to get you started on the basics of pastries!

Here’s my best-of list.

  1. Rugelach (Read here on kipelach versus rugelach)
  2. Kokosh cake
  3. Delkelach
  4. Cinnamon bun
  5. Chocolate cheese twist
  6. Rum ball
  7. Yodel
  8. Hamen tashen

Please leave a comment if you think there’s something really good I left out, or if you have any other suggestions. There is no disagreement that’s a bad disagreement on this topic!


The Kosherinator

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1 Comment
  • Dorit
    Posted at 20:31h, 01 December Reply

    My fave is Satmar Sponge Cake. I was at Booth Memorial picking up my mom from the ER and went into the Bikur Choilim room while waiting and ate a piece of sponge cake and it was the best pastry/cake I’ve ever eaten, bar none.

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